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כלבת הים יוליה בחופי יפו, ישראל

Julia project

for the return of the seals to Israel

One of the things we learned from Julia is that education and advocacy are an integral part of creating a protected space for seals in Israel. Therefore, as part ofproject Delphis Association for the return of the Mediterranean monk seal to Israel, we have developed a plan A unique educational program for science and technology students, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Pedagogical Secretariat, Science Division. As part of the program, students from the entire education system (elementary and middle school age - and later also preschool and high school students) will learn about seals, the characteristics of their habitat, the causes of their extinction, and especially the success in their return.


The students and their teachers will take part in the international success story of returning the Mediterranean monk seals to the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. They will accompany the leading researchers of the Delphis association and learn about the reasons for the extinction of seals from Israel's coasts, and will mainly focus on the ways to restore them. The program will promote scientific literacy, STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SEL skills, in which they will build models for confirmation caves, participate in photo contests and go for experiential learning outside the classroom.

Special emphasis will be given to the place of civil activity as having weight and meaning for the preservation of biological diversity.

This project will illustrate to the students that they have the power to correct some of the wrongs that humans have created in the past.

The educational program

Entry by one-time registration (conditional on registration for the program)

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